Transform Through Movement and Embodied Awareness...

…as you become a divine channel for holding Somatic Dance space with the SOSHA Somatic Dance Certification.

Welcome to the School of Spiritual Healing Arts, where your journey into the world of movement and healing begins. Somatic Dance, a transformative practice, connects body, mind, and spirit, fostering emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being. Whether you seek personal growth or aspire to guide others in transformative experiences, our comprehensive training courses equip you with profound knowledge and practical skills to harness the power of somatic dance.

Heal and Transform Through Somatic Dance.

What is somatic dance?

Discover the profound impact of Somatic Dance, a transformative practice used to facilitate emotional, spiritual, and physical healing. This movement-based approach connects the body, mind, and spirit, fostering deep introspection, enhanced awareness, and a sense of community. Our courses guide you through the principles and techniques of somatic dance, empowering you to harness its transformative properties for personal growth and spiritual exploration. Whether you seek to enrich your own practice or share this dynamic wisdom with others, the SOSHA Somatic Dance training provides the knowledge and tools to create meaningful, embodied experiences.


Somatic Dance Level 1

The Foundation – Discover the basics of Somatic Dance, including its history, principles, and self-practice methods.

Somatic Dance Level 2

Advanced Techniques – Delve deeper into Somatic Dance with advanced practices, facilitation skills, and specialized training.

Somatic Dance Master

Mastery – Achieve mastery in Somatic Dance with leadership skills, shamanic practices, and advanced facilitation techniques.

Unparalleled Academic Excellence

SOSHA Somatic Dance Certification is a fully online, self-study and integrated learning course designed to help you access and experience the transformative power of somatic dance, all within the academic excellence of the School of Spiritual Healing Arts.

We blend online learning, teacher-led tutorials, and practical assessments to provide comprehensive support throughout our courses, empowering you to become the most skilled and impactful somatic dance facilitator you can be.


Level 1

Gain foundational knowledge of somatic movement, cultivate embodied awareness, and integrate breathwork to facilitate healing and self-expression.

Level 2

Master advanced somatic techniques, trauma-informed practices, and facilitation skills to guide transformative movement experiences and community building.

Level 3

Achieve mastery in somatic dance, embody leadership, and integrate shamanic practices to facilitate profound transformative experiences.



The Foundations
$ 495
  • Online Access to All Modules
  • Specific 3 Month Curriculum
  • 30+ Hours of Learning
  • Internationally Accredited Certification
  • ZERO Prerequisites


Advanced Practice
$ 845
  • Online Access to All Modules
  • Specific 3 Month Curriculum
  • 70+ Hours of Learning
  • Internationally Accredited Certification
  • SOSHA Level 1 Somatic Dance Prerequisite
    (or comparable certification)


Master Practitioner
$ 1,145
  • Online Access to All Modules
  • Specific 3 Month Curriculum
  • 120+ Hours of Learning
  • Internationally Accredited Certification
  • SOSHA Level 1 & 2 Somatic Dance Prerequisite
    (or comparable certification)
Dane Te Wharaupō Robertson

About Your Instructors


My name is Dane, and I’ll be your host with the Somatic Dance online course content, and matched with the expertise of our incredible Somatic Dance tutors, you’re in the best hands when it comes to this journey!

I’ve been in the healing realm for over a decade, helping people through Energetic Healing, Therapy, Breathwork, Plant Medicine and so much more.

I’m also the founder here at SOSHA, so if there’s anything you want to know about how we do things – then sing on out!

I can’t wait to begin this journey with you!

Amber Swords

Hey beautiful soul,

My name is Amber, and I am honored to guide you on your journey towards self-discovery and holistic well-being through somatic therapy, feminine leadership, and natural medicine. With over 15 years of experience and a deep passion for health, my journey began in dental nursing and nutritional education. This path led me to travel the world, studying plant medicines, yoga, breathwork, meditation, and energy bodywork.

I weave these diverse teachings into unique experiences that unify mind, body, and spirit. My mission is to help you build the foundations to thrive in all areas of life, reconnecting with your body and breath to prevent burnout and foster joy.

Through trauma-informed movement, breath practices, storytelling, and self-expression, I support clients in overcoming life’s challenges. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together and create meaningful change in a relentless world.

Let’s create magic together!


Yes, this program is a self study course with all materials hosted online. 

The program is made up of Online Recorded Content – which is where all of the knowledge and material is kept and accessed, as well as LIVE Online Tutorials with your Somatic Dance Tutor who will be helping guide you every second-week with live questions, and tasks to help you become the best Somatic Dance Facilitator you can become.

As soon as you’ve processed your application & paid, you will be added to the enrolment list and sent your login details no longer than 1 week before your start date. 

Your tutorial times will be finalised closer to start but will ‘loosely be scheduled every Tuesday 7pm CST if you’re in the Western & Northern Hemisphere, & 7pm NZST if you’re in the Eastern / Southern Hemisphere.

There are 3 Semesters each year and they are below:

Semester 1) First week of February – Last week of April

Semester 2) First week of June – Last week of August

Semester 3) First week of October – Last week of December

There is a 1 month break between each Semester to allow for catching up of material before students wish to continue onto higher studies.

You can sign up for multiple programs per semester, as each Tutorial for a program will be scheduled at different times to allow for cross-discipline learning.

Somatic Dance is a holistic movement practice that integrates the principles of somatics with dance to promote healing and self-expression. It emphasizes the body-mind connection, encouraging participants to tune into their physical sensations, emotions, and thoughts to develop greater self-awareness and mindfulness. Through guided movements, expressive dance, and breath integration, Somatic Dance fosters emotional release, stress reduction, and overall well-being. By addressing physical, emotional, and psychological issues, this practice offers a transformative path to personal growth and healing, whether practiced individually or in a supportive group setting.

Anyone with an interest in movement, healing, and self-expression can learn to host Somatic Dance. This practice is accessible to beginners with no prior experience as well as experienced wellness professionals, dance instructors, and therapists seeking to expand their skill set. The training programs are designed to accommodate various levels of expertise, providing comprehensive guidance and support to ensure that participants can effectively facilitate somatic dance experiences. Whether you are a novice looking to explore new modalities or a seasoned practitioner aiming to integrate somatic dance into your practice, there are courses available to help you develop the necessary knowledge and skills.

Level 1 requires no prior experience. Level 2 requires successful completion of Level 1, and Level 3 requires completion of the first two levels.

Please also check out the SOSHA Terms & Conditions to ensure you’re up to date with any important announcements and updates / contraindications for Somatic Dance Facilitation.

Yes – it is!

SOSHA is an Internationally Accredited Healing Institution of the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine.

Yes, after completing Level 2, you can start holding space for Somatic Dance Ceremonies with others professionally. Level 3 further enhances your skills and allows you to teach and certify other practitioners.

Each program runs for 3 months, and consists of 12 individual online modules for you to complete within the timeframe.

You’ll also receive support and guidance from our Somatic Dance Tutors in the Bi-Weekly tutorials which are available for you as well.

While there are no education requirements, we do strongly recommend our students to continuing to study other modalities in order to enhance their skillsets, and become more integrated and well rounded healers.

We also offer in-person Retreats to our graduates in order to connect and develop further as individuals and healers on their own healing journey.

Yes – as this is an online program, you have Lifetime access to this program – meaning it doesn’t have to take you the 3 months to complete if life happens and you need to take some time away for a bit.

As per the terms and conditions as laid out at, we do not offer refunds once studying has commenced as our class numbers and tutorial numbers are planned according to the confirmed number of spots. 

By submitting payment and/or clicking the checkbox acknowledging you agree with these terms and conditions, you also accept the terms of this agreement.


Level 1: Foundations Of SOSHA Somatic Dance

Foundations of Somatic Movement: Explore the historical, cultural, and spiritual significance of somatic dance, laying the groundwork for your practice.

Embodied Awareness Techniques: Learn methods to cultivate presence and sensation, ensuring a deep connection between body and mind.

Somatic Exploration: Develop routines that awaken the body’s wisdom through movement, enhancing mindfulness and overall well-being.

Breathwork Integration: Participate in sessions that integrate breath with somatic practices, deepening your understanding and experience of somatic dance.

1 Hour of Online Learning Weekly: Engage with curated content blending theory with practical insights, helping you understand the profound impact of somatic movement.

Bi-Weekly Interactive Tutorials: Join live sessions with experienced instructors to discuss course materials, share experiences, and deepen your practice.

1 Hour of Individual Practice Weekly: Apply what you’ve learned in your own time, refining your skills in somatic movement and breathwork.

Comprehensive Training: Benefit from a structured program providing a thorough grounding in somatic dance, ensuring you are well-prepared to begin your journey.

Ideal for: Beginners seeking personal growth, wellness enthusiasts, and those looking to integrate somatic dance into their professional toolkit.

Level 2: Advanced Somatic Dance Practice

Advanced Somatic Movement Practices: Delve deeper into somatic techniques, enhancing body awareness and connection in daily life.

Trauma-Informed Somatics: Learn to navigate trauma and resilience through advanced somatic practices, providing safe and supportive environments for healing.

Somatic Integration: Explore methods to integrate somatic principles into everyday life, deepening your personal and professional practice.

Movement Alchemy: Discover the intersection of somatics and shamanic practices, enriching your facilitation skills and understanding of transformative movement.

1 Hour of Online Learning Weekly: Engage with advanced content that blends theory with practical application, enhancing your somatic practice.

Bi-Weekly Interactive Tutorials: Participate in live sessions with esteemed facilitators to discuss course materials, share experiences, and deepen your skills.

1 Hour of Individual Practice Weekly: Apply advanced techniques in your own time, refining your expertise in somatic movement and trauma-informed practices.

Comprehensive Training: Benefit from a structured program designed to provide in-depth knowledge and skills in advanced somatic dance facilitation.

Ideal for: Practitioners with foundational knowledge seeking to deepen their practice, wellness professionals, and those aiming to specialize in somatic dance facilitation.

Level 3: Mastery Of SOSHA Somatic Dance Facilitation

Embodied Leadership and Mastery: Cultivate presence, authenticity, and integrity as a facilitator, mastering group dynamics and energy flow.

Shamanic Dance Practices: Explore advanced shamanic techniques like journeying and soul retrieval, integrating them into your somatic dance practice.

Transpersonal Exploration: Delve into archetypes, myths, and collective consciousness through dance, fostering a deep spiritual connection.

Advanced Ritual and Ceremony: Deepen your understanding and execution of rituals, creating profound and transformative dance ceremonies.

1 Hour of Online Learning Weekly: Engage with comprehensive content that blends advanced theory with practical mastery, enhancing your somatic practice.

Bi-Weekly Interactive Tutorials: Participate in live masterclasses with esteemed facilitators to discuss course materials, share experiences, and deepen your mastery.

1 Hour of Individual Practice Weekly: Apply advanced techniques in your own time, refining your facilitation skills and deepening your mastery of somatic dance.

Comprehensive Training: Benefit from a structured program designed to provide advanced knowledge and skills in somatic dance facilitation and leadership.

Ideal for: Experienced practitioners seeking mastery, wellness professionals aiming to lead transformative experiences, and those dedicated to advanced somatic dance facilitation.

Level 1: The Foundation

Here’s what’s included inside the Level 1 Reiki Training with SOSHA:

Key Concepts: Learn the history of Reiki and the basic principles that govern this practice.

Practices: Engage in hands-on practice sessions to experience and learn the foundational techniques of self-Reiki.

Healing Techniques: Understand how to apply Reiki to heal yourself and maintain energetic balance.

30+ Hours of Integrated Learning: Enhance & Improve your healing skills with over 30 hours of online learning, tutorial & assessments to help give you the most comprehensive online training around.